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"Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine”

“Under the shelter of each other, people survive.”  


The ancient Celts flourished in societies that held deep reverence for trees and Mother Nature,

had respect for and protected women, and who felt a responsibility for the wellbeing of other members of their clans.

Inspired by this beautiful triad of traits, 100% of my profit is made as donations to the organisations listed below.

My clan is every human being, and I hope for the protection and flourishing of all beings, human and non-human.

'Cara' in Gaelic means friend. To me, to be a 'celtic cara' means to love, respect and honour everything around you.


What is 100% of my profit? The material cost of the item, the cost of eco-packaging and some minor business costs are covered within the sale price, and then everything leftover - the profit - is donated. My time, energy and effort making, packaging and selling my celtic jewellery online/at markets is for free. How does it work? When you make a purchase, I will ask you to choose one of the four following organisations. I then make a donation on the last day of the month - with the profit of multiple purchases combined for logistics - towards these organisations to reflect your choices. You can track how much has been donated to each group on this page. Other than these regular donations, I have no other affiliation with these organisations.


This is my small offering to the world, so thank you for making it possible with your purchase.

I hope it inspires you to pass on feelings of generosity, love and kindness too!


I have raised a total of $4442.38 for charity, through Celticara, since midwinter 2022 - míle buíochas!


And a big thank you to everyone who supported the Emergency Action Alliance

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal by making purchases from 6th February to 6th of March 2023.

We raised $328.48 for this very worthy cause!

About Our Leather

The forests of north east Tasmania include carbon-rich tall wet eucalypt forest, pure rainforest and lowland dry forests. Interspersed within these forests are heathlands, alpine meadows and moraine vegetation. It is a complex landscape that supports rich and diverse plant and animal communities.


The mountain bike trails of the Blue Derby and St Helens region are a global drawcard for their natural beauty, settings and exceptional riding experience. They are largely situated in State forest areas that are subject to ongoing threats by logging, with some already having been subject to logging impacts in the Blue Derby network.


These forests are worth more standing as tourism destinations, carbon banks, watersheds and biodiversity arks, and the awesome team at

Blue Derby Wild tirelessly work to protect them.

AS OF 10/11/2023:


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Magnolia Place is a not-for-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion pro­vid­ing short-term cri­sis accom­mo­da­tion for women and their chil­dren who are escap­ing  fam­i­ly vio­lence and/​or expe­ri­enc­ing homelessness in the Launceston region, Tasmania. They offer a safe and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment for women and children.

Mag­no­lia Place LWS is ded­i­cat­ed to rais­ing aware­ness of the con­se­quences of home­less­ness and fam­i­ly vio­lence in the com­mu­ni­ty and their vision is to be a lead­ing advo­cate for a com­mu­ni­ty free of home­less­ness and fam­i­ly violence.

Their val­ues are safe­ty, respect, inclu­sion,

com­pas­sion, con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and empowerment.

AS OF 10/11/2023:


More than 12 million people are now displaced as they flee horrific atrocities of war since Russia began it's invasion of Ukraine - an estimated 6.5 million are displaced inside Ukraine and 4.2 million are now refugees who have crossed into neighbouring countries.


UNHCR estimates that another 13 million are stranded in hard-to-reach areas in Ukraine.

At Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, people are arriving with only what they can carry.


The AFUO, in conjunction with Rotary (Rotary Australia World Community Service), has established a tax-deductible fund to help Ukrainian displaced people settle in Tasmania and across Australia. The fund will provide professional support for resettlement, for example: mental health programs; work-entry programs; life skill programs such as swimming, first aid and driving lessons; bridging courses to have qualifications accepted in Australia; and integration programs for children (such as retreats and camps). The fund might also be used to provide financial assistance to displaced people in Australia. 

AS OF 10/11/2023:

Love Ukraine

Strike It Out Inc has spent the last 4 years empowering people to take the necessary steps to get back up & thrive in Northern Tasmania. They are a non-religious not-for-profit and believe in the power of people to create real positive impact, and provide basic essentials to people experiencing homelessness and those in emergency need. They are committed to bringing about positive change to accommodate one's self-worth and provide the basic necessities of life by providing meals, food packages and emergency support and supplies.

AS OF 10/11/2023:


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